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Tips dan Trik Mencetak Rekening Koran Bank Mandiri secara Online

What is Rekening Koran Bank Mandiri?

Rekening koran bank mandiri is a service that allows you to access your bank account statement online anytime and anywhere. It is a convenient and secure way to monitor your transactions, balances, and activities on your bank account. You can also print your rekening koran bank mandiri online for your personal or business needs.

rekening koran bank mandiri pdf 13

Rekening koran bank mandiri has many benefits for you as a customer. Some of them are:

  • You can save time and money by not having to visit the bank branch or request a paper statement.

  • You can view your rekening koran bank mandiri online up to 12 months back.

  • You can download your rekening koran bank mandiri online in PDF format for free.

  • You can print your rekening koran bank mandiri online at home or at any printer nearby.

  • You can reconcile your bank statement with your rekening koran bank mandiri online easily and accurately.

  • You can use your rekening koran bank mandiri online for your business accounting and tax purposes.

In this article, we will show you how to access, print, reconcile, and use your rekening koran bank mandiri online. Let's get started!

How to Access Rekening Koran Bank Mandiri Online?

To access your rekening koran bank mandiri online, you need to have an account with Bank Mandiri and register for its online banking services. You can access your rekening koran bank mandiri online through two methods: Livin' by Mandiri app and internet banking.

Livin' by Mandiri app

Livin' by Mandiri is a mobile app that offers various features and services for Bank Mandiri customers. You can download the app from Google Play Store or App Store for free. To access your rekening koran bank mandiri online through Livin' by Mandiri app, follow these steps:

  • Open the Livin' by Mandiri app on your smartphone.

  • Select the account that you want to check the transaction history.

  • Select e-Statement, then choose the month of the rekening koran that you want to view.

  • Download the e-Statement for printing.

  • Save the file on your smartphone.

The file will be saved on your smartphone in PDF format. To print it, open the file with your date of birth as the password.

Internet banking

Internet banking is a web-based service that allows you to access your bank account online through a browser. You can visit the website to login to Mandiri Online. To access your rekening koran bank mandiri online through internet banking, follow these steps:

  • Open the website on your browser.

  • Login to Mandiri Online with your user ID and password.

  • Select Information Account menu.

  • Click Rekening Mandiri Online.

  • Click the savings or current account that you want to check the transaction history.

  • Click Mutasi Rekening Mandiri Online.

  • Select the period of the transaction history that you want to view or print.

How to Print Rekening Koran Bank Mandiri Online?

To print your rekening koran bank mandiri online, you need to have a printer connected to your device. You can print your rekening koran bank mandiri online from either Livin' by Mandiri app or internet banking. The steps are similar for both methods:

Step 1: Open the PDF file of your rekening koran

If you have downloaded the PDF file of your rekening koran from Livin' by Mandiri app or internet banking, open it with a PDF reader software such as Adobe Acrobat Reader. You will need to enter your date of birth as the password to open the file.

Step 2: Select the print option

Once you have opened the PDF file of your rekening koran, click on the print icon or select File > Print from the menu bar. A print dialog box will appear where you can choose the printer settings such as paper size, orientation, margins, etc.

Step 3: Print your rekening koran

After you have adjusted the printer settings according to your preference, click on Print or OK button. Your printer will start printing your rekening koran. Make sure you have enough paper and ink in your printer before printing.

Tips and Tricks for Printing Rekening Koran Bank Mandiri Online

Here are some tips and tricks that can help you print your rekening koran bank mandiri online more efficiently and securely:

  • To save paper and ink, you can print only the pages that you need or use duplex printing (printing on both sides of the paper).

  • To protect your privacy, you can shred or burn the printed copies of your rekening koran after you have used them. You can also delete the PDF files from your device after printing.

  • To troubleshoot common issues such as printer error, paper jam, low ink level, etc., refer to the user manual of your printer or contact the customer service of your printer manufacturer.

How to Reconcile Your Bank Statement with Rekening Koran Bank Mandiri?

Reconciling your bank statement with rekening koran bank mandiri is an important process that can help you verify the accuracy of your transactions and balances on your bank account. It can also help you detect any errors or frauds that may occur on your account. You should reconcile your bank statement with rekening koran bank mandiri regularly, preferably every month or every quarter.

How to Compare Your Bank Statement with Rekening Koran Bank Mandiri?

To compare your bank statement with rekening koran bank mandiri, you need to have both documents ready. You can get your bank statement from Bank Mandiri by requesting it through customer service or online banking. You can get your rekening koran bank mandiri online from Livin' by Mandiri app or internet banking as explained above. To compare them, follow these steps:

  • Select a period that matches both documents. For example, if you want to compare January 2020 statements, make sure both documents cover January 2020 transactions.

  • Compare the starting balance on both documents. They should be equal unless there are any adjustments made by Bank Mandiri such as interest payments or fees deductions.

  • Compare each transaction on both documents. They should match in terms of date, amount, description, category, etc. If there are any differences, mark them for further investigation.

  • Compare the ending balance on both documents. They should be equal unless there are any pending transactions that have not been cleared by the bank or the company.

How to Identify and Resolve Discrepancies?

If you find any discrepancies between your bank statement and rekening koran bank mandiri, you need to identify the cause and resolve them as soon as possible. Some common causes and solutions are:

  • Deposits in transit: These are cash and checks that have been received and recorded by the company but have not yet been recorded on the bank statement. They usually clear within a few days and do not require any adjustment.

  • Outstanding checks: These are checks that have been issued by the company to creditors but the payments have not yet been processed by the bank. They usually clear within a few days and do not require any adjustment.

  • Bank service fees: These are charges deducted by the bank for services they provide to customers such as monthly maintenance fees, ATM fees, overdraft fees, etc. They need to be recorded by the company as an expense and a decrease in cash.

  • Interest income: These are payments made by the bank to customers for some bank accounts such as savings accounts, certificates of deposit, etc. They need to be recorded by the company as an income and an increase in cash.

  • Not sufficient funds (NSF) checks: These are checks deposited by the company into its account but the account of the issuer of the check has an insufficient amount to pay the check. The bank deducts the check amount from the company's account and returns the check to the depositor as an NSF check. The company needs to reverse the deposit entry and record a receivable from the issuer of the check.

  • Errors: These are mistakes made by either the bank or the company in recording transactions such as wrong amounts, dates, descriptions, etc. They need to be corrected by contacting the bank or adjusting the company's records accordingly.

How to Use Rekening Koran Bank Mandiri for Your Business?

If you run a business, using rekening koran bank mandiri can help you manage your finances more effectively and efficiently. Rekening koran bank mandiri can provide you with valuable information and insights about your business transactions, cash flow, income, expenses, taxes, etc. Here are some ways you can use rekening koran bank mandiri for your business:

How to Record Your Transactions with Rekening Koran Bank Mandiri?

To record your transactions with rekening koran bank mandiri, you can use various features and tools available on Livin' by Mandiri app or internet banking. Some of them are:

  • Categories: You can assign categories to your transactions such as sales, purchases, payroll, rent, utilities, etc. This will help you track your income and expenses more easily and accurately.

  • Tags: You can add tags to your transactions such as customers, vendors, projects, products, services, etc. This will help you analyze your performance and profitability more effectively and efficiently.

  • Notes: You can add notes to your transactions such as invoice numbers, payment terms, delivery dates, etc. This will help you remember important details and avoid confusion or disputes.

  • Attachments: You can attach files to your transactions such as receipts, invoices, contracts, agreements, etc. This will help you keep your records organized and complete.

How to Generate Reports and Statements with Rekening Koran Bank Mandiri?

To generate reports and statements with rekening koran bank mandiri you can use various features and tools available on Livin' by Mandiri app or internet banking. Some of them are:

  • Reports: You can generate various reports based on your transactions such as income statement, balance sheet, cash flow statement, budget report, tax report, etc. You can customize the reports according to your preferences and export them in various formats such as PDF, Excel, CSV, etc.

  • Statements: You can generate various statements based on your transactions such as account statement, transaction statement, e-Statement, etc. You can choose the period and frequency of the statements and export them in various formats such as PDF, Excel, CSV, etc.


Rekening koran bank mandiri is a service that allows you to access your bank account statement online anytime and anywhere. It is a convenient and secure way to monitor your transactions, balances, and activities on your bank account. You can also print your rekening koran bank mandiri online for your personal or business needs.

To use rekening koran bank mandiri, you need to have an account with Bank Mandiri and register for its online banking services. You can access your rekening koran bank mandiri online through two methods: Livin' by Mandiri app and internet banking. You can print your rekening koran bank mandiri online from either method by following the step-by-step instructions provided in this article.

You can also reconcile your bank statement with rekening koran bank mandiri online by comparing the two documents and identifying and resolving any discrepancies. This will help you verify the accuracy of your transactions and balances on your bank account and detect any errors or frauds that may occur on your account.

If you run a business, you can use rekening koran bank mandiri for your business accounting and tax purposes. You can record your transactions with rekening koran bank mandiri by using various features and tools such as categories, tags, notes, and attachments. You can also generate reports and statements with rekening koran bank mandiri by using various features and tools such as reports, statements, e-Statement, etc.

We hope this article has helped you understand what is rekening koran bank mandiri and how to use it for your personal or business needs. If you have any questions or feedback, please feel free to contact us at any time.


Here are some frequently asked questions and answers about rekening koran bank mandiri:

  • Q: How much does it cost to use rekening koran bank mandiri?A: Rekening koran bank mandiri is a free service that does not charge any fees for accessing, downloading, or printing your rekening koran online.

  • Q: How long does it take for a transaction to appear on rekening koran bank mandiri?A: It depends on the type of transaction and the method of payment. Generally, transactions made through Bank Mandiri channels such as ATM, EDC, mobile banking, internet banking, etc. will appear on rekening koran bank mandiri immediately or within one working day. Transactions made through other channels such as interbank transfers, checks, etc. may take longer depending on the processing time of the other parties involved.

  • Q: How can I access my rekening koran bank mandiri offline?A: If you need to access your rekening koran bank mandiri offline, you can request a paper statement from Bank Mandiri through customer service or online banking. However, you may be charged a fee for this service depending on the type and frequency of the statement requested.

  • Q: How can I secure my rekening koran bank mandiri online?A: To secure your rekening koran bank mandiri online, you should follow these tips:Do not share your user ID, password, PIN, OTP, or other login credentials with anyone.

  • Do not access your rekening koran bank mandiri online from public or unsecured devices or networks.

  • Do not open any suspicious links or attachments that claim to be from Bank Mandiri or other parties.

  • Do not respond to any requests for personal or financial information that claim to be from Bank Mandiri or other parties.

  • Change your password regularly and use a strong password that contains a combination of letters, numbers, and symbols.

  • Log out from your rekening koran bank mandiri online after each session and clear your browser history and cache.

  • Q: How can I contact Bank Mandiri if I have any problems or complaints about rekening koran bank mandiri?A: You can contact Bank Mandiri through various channels such as:Mandiri Call at 14000 or +62-21-52997777

  • Email at

  • Social media at Facebook (Bank Mandiri), Twitter (@mandiricare), Instagram (@mandiricare), Telegram (@mandiricare)

  • Website at


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